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What's in My Bag with Hadas Knox of Ancient Roots Mama

Like most people in this What’s in My Bag series, I discovered Hadas through Instagram. I was immediately taken with her style of photography and once I read more, I learned that she had a book of her own! It’s called The Holistic Antidepressant Diet. Here’s the description from Hadas’ website:

“The Holistic Antidepressant Diet: Traditional, Edible Practices to Align with Mother Earth, Raise Vibrations, and Naturally Curb Anxiety and Depression. A holistic approach to healing anxiety and depression, drawing heavily from traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurveda and modern scientific research. This book is designed to guide you in healing yourself, in reconnecting with your Source, and in gaining a deeper understanding of how you fit into and can thrive on this planet. Includes plenty of plant-based, medicinal recipes, esoteric and ancestral wisdom, and practical steps you can take today. “

I’m excited to share a bit of Hadas’ magic with you here on Gingertooth & Twine. Grab a cup of tea, get cozy and read on. And maybe add a copy of The Holistic Antidepressant Diet to your cart while your at it ;)

Spencre xo


My bag tends to be a hodgepodge of supplies ranging from grounding potions to toddler necessities and of course, snacks. It also takes many forms. This morning it is a backpack, and this afternoon it will be a basket. Unless I'm visiting with a client, you can usually find a little two-and-a-half year old sputtering nearby at hip level. My bag holds ample supplies to keep him happy and engaged, as well as some of my mama necessities like a camera, flower or land essence, and a good book.

Right now I'm reading “The Continuum Concept" by Jean Liedloff. This book makes me feel validated and lonely at the same time. The author is a writer an psychotherapist who spent two and a half years in the jungle in South America, observing how indigenous communities raised their young. It's mind-blowing how far and how quickly our society has veered away from rearing children in line with the ways our species evolved. The expression in the birth world "it takes a village" rings so true. It's comforting to read about cultures that honor our mothering instincts. Books like this help me feel less crazy for choosing to raise my son differently than most.

Speaking of crazy, it might seem a bit odd that I’m usually carrying around at least three different books with me at all times. The second book is “Edible Wild Plants.” Foraging season is in full bloom and both my son and I find so much pleasure in gathering from and relating with the natural world. I had planned to go to herbal school in Oregon before becoming a mother, but that plan was put on hold. One day I will formally study herbalism. Until then, you’ll find me in the fields with a reference book in hand, or in the kitchen, dabbling.

Lastly, my journal always come with me. I could probably make my bag a little lighter and just take notes in my phone, but it really isn’t the same. This journal comes from a past trip to South America, where I spent a lot of time growing up. My inspiration and intuitive hits often come when I’m not specifically seeking them (like in the shower, when first waking up or drifting off to sleep, or just walking in the woods). I like to write these messages down as they come, before I forget. When I have the time later, I like to unpack some of them with longer journaling sessions.

We're preparing to move to a new home in a new area, and as an extra sensitive person, I find transitions easily become overwhelming. I tend to carry an essence with me to help me feel grounded. Last year I took an online course called Intuitive Plant Medicine and started making flower essences myself. When preparing for this blog post, I told my husband, "I feel like a failure for not making my own essence in months." He shrugged. "You're a mom." So it goes. Right now I'm using St. John's Wort from my local apothecary.

My son's favorite phrase during a lull is "I want something to hold." We never leave home without something for him. Often it's a small basket or bag of his own to gather things in nature that interest him. If we’re driving, he can look through his basket of treasures on the way home.

My camera. Unless it feels necessary, I leave home without my phone, or I at least leave it in the car when we go adventuring. The difference in my experience when my phone is on and available vs. off or in another place completely is truly noticeable. The last thing I want to model for my son is a cell phone addiction, but we both enjoy having a camera around. There are moments that he, too, wants to capture and remember, and he loves watching back the videos we take later on in the day. Photography is a simple way for me to be creative throughout the day. One shift in perspective I'm practicing is not waiting for that one hour a day when my son is asleep to work on my projects, but the idea that I can work on them, incrementally, throughout the day. I don't need to wait for him to fall asleep to practice photography but can incorporate this hobby into our regular routine.

Food is a huge part of my daily rhythm and wellbeing. What we eat can either supports our health or hurt it. I'm exhausted more often than not, so I find it absolutely essential to set myself up for success when it comes to food, at least. When we go out, I throw some fruit and nut energy balls in my bag. I make them every week or two with my son and they're the perfect on-the-go snack. We love switching up the recipe to keep them exciting. The base is always dates and nuts, and then we change the flavors between cacao, matcha, berry, bee pollen and raw honey, etc!

In the same vein, I carry a water bottle with me. This one is made from copper, an essential trace mineral with so many health benefits! According to Ayurveda, drinking water enriched with copper first thing in the morning helps all three doshas. Similar to my thoughts on photography, I used to wait until I had time to myself to engage in the rituals and ceremonies that I used to cultivate before becoming a mother. Ritual would help me feel grounded and more present. But man, waiting around for those perfect, calm moments during this phase of motherhood meant that I was basically not longer engaging in any rituals! I’m coming to see that all of life can be a ceremony, and I can bring the sacred into my experience at any moment, with as simple a ceremony as fueling my body with healing waters.


I call these date and nut balls Earth Candy and I make a different flavor each season. Springtime has an affinity for the liver and gallbladder. When the energy of this meridian is strong, we feel emotionally light, flexible, silly, happy. When we’re off balance, our liver holds onto anger and frustration. We can look to green foods in the Springtime to nourish the liver and gallbladder. This is why I make this nutrient-dense snack with matcha and pistachios.


In a food processor, blend 2 cups of pistachios, 12 soaked and strained medjool dates, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, ⅛ tsp. salt, and 1 tbsp. matcha. Roll into balls and roll in a light coating of matcha (If you’re planning to share these with children, I recommend substituting matcha for a more kid-friendly flavor like freeze-dried and powdered green apple.)

Hadas Knox is a mother practicing primal, intuitive parenting, a holistic health coach, full spectrum doula, and Pilates instructor. Her business, Ancient Roots Mama, focuses on guiding and supporting women in reclaiming, reconnecting, and rewilding with healing nutrition, ancient wisdom, birth, ritual and ceremony, motherhood, and sisterhood. As a coach, she offers one month programs and individual consultations. On her blog and instagram, she shares about parenting, connecting with nature, holistic nutrition, and simple living. She is the author of "The Holistic Antidepressant Diet" and is currently creating an e-course called "Crafting a Sacred Postpartum."



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