Rosehip and Beet Pickled Deviled Eggs

Rosehip and beet deviled eggs

These eggs are seriously so fantastic. In my opinion, there is nothing better than a plateful of deviled eggs at a party, and how can you even top pink ones? It’s a delightful spin on a classic American treat that is sure to wow your friends this coming New Years eve.

I collected the rose hips last fall, but they can easily be found online or at your local herb shop. Rosehips contain vitamin C, which is so perfect to incorporate into wintertime snacks. I put 1/4 a cup of rosehips in this batch, but I would recommend adding 1/2 a cup if you’d like more of that flavor and medicinal value. I’ll definitely be adding more rosehips the next time I make these.

Rosehip and beet deviled eggs


1 dozen eggs
1 can sliced beets
1 1/2 cups raw sugar
1/4 cup whole rosehips, crushed
1 1/2 cups water
1 1/2 white vinegar


1/4 cup sour cream
2 tsp dijon mustard
1 tsp sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
1/8 tsp paprika
1/8 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp sriracha sauce
Fresh jalapeno, halved and sliced thinly - to garnish
Everything bagel seasoning

The pickling process

Fill a large pot and bring water to a boil. Gently place eggs in the pot and cover. Boil eggs for 11 minutes. After 11 minutes, transfer eggs to ice bath to stop the cooking process. Let cool and remove shells.

In a small pot, bring vinegar, water, beet juice, rose hips and sugar to a light boil. Stir to dissolve sugar and let cool completely.

In a large jar, or other container, place de-shelled eggs and sliced beets. Cover with cooled vinegar liquid (rosehips included) and cover tightly. Place in fridge for 48 hours.

The deviling process

Cut eggs in half, lengthwise. Carefully, remove yolks and place into a clean bowl. Keep egg whites separate. Combine sour cream, mustard and remaining ingredients with the yolks. Use a fork to mash until well combined. Spoon filling into egg whites on a clean surface. Garnish with jalapeno slices and everything bagel seasoning. Serve day of for best flavor.

Rosehip and beet deviled eggs
Rosehip and beet deviled eggs